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On-Page Seo Quiz

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1 / 30

1) What one of the following search engines or directories delivers the majority of AOL's search results?

2 / 30

2) Which on-page component is more important for SEO?

3 / 30

3) Which of the following strategies will lower your search engine rankings?

4 / 30


Google was founded in which year?

5 / 30

5) Which of the statements about RSS in the list below is true?

6 / 30

6) What does a server response code of 302 mean?

7 / 30

7) What is meant by the phrase "fat head"?

8 / 30

8) What website details the HTML markup that all major search engines have deemed to be search engine specific?

9 / 30

9) Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?

10 / 30

10) What are the names of Google's three most recent and significant algorithm updates?

11 / 30

11) Which of the following choices qualifies as having an appropriate keyword density?

12 / 30

12) What exactly happens if a website's search engine saturation rate for a particular search engine increases by 20%?

13 / 30

13) What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?

14 / 30

14) What is the name of the search engine technique that allows searches for the word "actor" to return results for related terms like "actress," "acting," or "act"?

15 / 30

15) Describe anchor text.

16 / 30

16) What is the name of the unlawful practise of copying a page by unauthorised persons in order to divert visitors to another website?

17 / 30

17) What will Google search for if you type "Help" into the search bar?

18 / 30

18) Which of the following statements about a keyword's Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) is true?

19 / 30

19) Which of the following search engines provides a list of the top 50 terms that people use to search?

20 / 30

20) Which of the following free tools could assist you in determining which city worldwide receives the most search traffic for the term "Infinity War"?

21 / 30

21) An entrance page is employed for

22 / 30

22) What phrase is frequently used to describe the shifting of results pages in search engines between significant updates?

23 / 30

23) What is the name for optimization techniques with a dubious track record?

24 / 30

24) Which of these variables will have an impact on your position in local search results?

25 / 30


How much time period is required to get a Google page ranking?

26 / 30

26) The recommended number of characters for the title tag?

27 / 30

27) Which of the following approaches to keyword placement and selection qualifies as good?

28 / 30

28) Which type of redirect or meta tag will give the directed page the most authority?

29 / 30

29) Which search will provide a list of the web pages on a given domain that a specific search engine has indexed?

30 / 30

30) What do the abbreviations PA, DA, and PR mean?

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The average score is 47%

